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differential equations, variational calculus
Chern-Weil theory, ∞-Chern-Weil theory
Cartan geometry (super, higher)
In the mechanics of rigid body dynamics in Cartesian space , the moment of inertia of a rigid body is the analog of mass for rotational dynamics?. In linear dynamics?, we have the formula
which says that the momentum is proportional to the velocity . Similarly, in rotational dynamics, we have the analogous formula
where is the angular momentum, is the angular velocity, and is the moment of inertia.
However, the rotational equation is somewhat more complicated than the linear one: firstly because and are not naturally vectors but bivectors; and secondly because they are not necessarily proportional, so that cannot be a scalar. In general, the moment of inertia is a linear function
so that the above equation becomes simply
This linear function is additionally symmetric with respect to the induced inner product on , so it can be represented in coordinates by a symmetric matrix.
Similarly, differentiating this equation once with respect to time (and assuming that is constant as it is for a rigid body), we have
relating the total torque to the angular acceleration? — this is the rotational analogue of Newton's second law (where must be constant).
In low dimensions, the situation can be (and usually is) simplified.
In two dimensions, bivectors form a one-dimensional vector space, so that the moment of inertia is simply a scalar.
In three dimensions, bivectors form a three-dimensional vector space, so that the moment of inertia can be represented by a symmetric matrix. Additionally, in three dimensions, there is an isomorphism between bivectors and vectors (once we choose an orientation to go with our inner product); so that angular velocity and momentum can be (and usually are) identified with vectors, and the moment of inertia with a symmetric rank-2 tensor.
In terms of the discussion at Hamiltonian dynamics on Lie groups, the rigid body dynamics in is given by Hamiltonian motion on the special orthogonal group . It is defined by any left invariant? Riemannian metric
hence a bilinear non-degenarate form on the Lie algebra (not necessarily the Killing form).
This bilinear form is the moment of inertia. (For instance AbrahamMarsden, section 4.6.)
If a rigid body has mass density? , then its angular momentum is defined in terms of by the -dimensional integral
over all space, where is the vector from the origin to the point of integration, denotes the interior product? of a vector with a bivector (yielding a vector), and denotes the exterior product of two vectors (yielding a bivector).
When is the same everywhere (as for a rigid body), then we may view this as a function from to ; this function is the moment of inertia.
A classical textbook discussion is for instance section 4.6 of
A pedestrian discussion of moment of inertia in terms of bivectors that applies in any dimension of space(spacetime) is around page 74 of
or around page 56 of
and around slide 6 in
These authors amplify the canonical embedding of bivectors into the Clifford algebra, which they call “Geometric Algebra”.
Last revised on August 31, 2011 at 16:57:56. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.